montréal QC 2017
montréal QC
agora de la danse / november 2017
guest artists
catherine lalonde
peter trosztmer
With a Bachelors degree in Classics, Peter studied dance at the Concordia University Department of Contemporary Dance and the School of the Toronto Dance Theatre. He has distinguished himself as in interpreter and has worked and continues to collaborate with many national and international choreographers and directors. His « choreography » was selected as a top show of the year (La Presse 2006 and Voir 2012, The Montreal Gazette 2016). As well he was recognized for the best performance – (The Hour 2006). His work on the multi media work Norman also received many accolades including an Angel Award at the Brighton Festival UK (2009). Peter continues to define his place as a creator who is invested in work that is sensitive, deeply researched and physically realized. His co-authored article with Thea Patterson “Collaboration as Practice The Winding Road” was presented at the Canadian Society for Dance Scholars Conference 2012. Peter is currently conducting research towards an augmented reality project for Montreal 2020.
catherine lalonde
Journal Facebook
jour 1
Où je réalise que nous travaillons à créer un flux de conscience (flow) live et collectif; où surgissent des histoires de mains et prédateurs; où l’on apprend à sauter à la corde des pires manières possibles; où les contes de chevaliers ne sont pas les meilleurs legs pour un enfant; où l’on parle du docteur Roger Hobden et des noms, parfois, qui disparaissent des murs.
jour 2
Où l’on parle de chasse à l’écureuil, de l’importance d’une bonne hydratation pour les prostituées et du fait qu’en Inde avant 49 ans on n’est pas considéré comme un adulte. Où l’on court à l’aveugle et se demande s’il faut résister ou fondre aux désirs de composition. Où l’on découvre que sacrer comme un charretier sans pantalons est tout de même moins crédible en terme d’évocation dramatique; où je fais un trou dans mon pantalon tout neuf, et ce n’est pas relié.
jour 3
Le corps est stiff, comme à tous les troisième jours. Peter is being porposely obnoxious et réussit déjà à grimper au plafond. Nous virons cathos puis tentons de nous endormir sur scène — a sunday sleeping practice, a drinking practice, une pratique de l’amitié, a dance practice. Mon obsession des biscuits chipits devient collective (elle sort du studio, déferle jusque dans les bureaux, et Guy en garde une tache comme un stigmate dans le front, qui me déconcentre et m’empêche de l’écouter…). Lin joue à des jeux dont elle n’a pas compris les règles, magnifiquement. Il y a des strangers in the room, et on se fait dire que la dernière traversée is like watching a song. Je suis heureuse. I don’t have to choose in between my babies — écriture danse paroles pensée geste, et le soir avec ma famille, my baby.
jour 4
«I’ve read something in a book by accident», dit Lin. Des accidents de livres des chutes des tornades avalanches de papier des actes de dieu des pommes de route des bagues de mariées — une morte, une vivante. «So there was a book in a book in a book that was an accident with a story inside you wanted to share?» et elle me répond «Yes».
nuit 5 – jour 6
Où je continue les traversées de nuit seule dans mon lit, dans le noir, dans ma tête, dormant à peine. Je recouvre tout le plancher de papier; j’utilise un corps d’homme comme carte géographique, et Vous — vous… — Êtes Ici. Je déchiquète des flocons, je suspends des lés aux murs, je blanchis tout. Je dors sous les sièges des spectateurs. Je me demande pourquoi nous ne nous reniflons pas l’entrejambe comme des chiens pour accélérer la complicité — et je me réponds tout de go. Je me demande quelle est la valeur d’une danse faite entièrement dans la tête, dans le corps de la tête, avec les autres dans la tête, sans être bougée de corps?
jour 8
Femme comme paysage comme architecture comme part mur comme mur muré comme murmurée, comme cloîtrées commes les saintes les saints dans les noms de nos rues, Saint-Denis Saint-André Saint Hubert Laurent Zotique Michel Jacques Antoine.
jour 9
Et le doute, aussi.
jour 10
Première. Et première. Silence.
jour 11
Où dérouler du papier est marqueur de temps, comme le rythme cardiaque ou la lumière du jour; où je bataille hardiment et inutilement pour conserver le fait français sur cette scène de l’Agora; où pour une première fois une grande part du public écrit également («Then do it», me dit Peter, et si ma lutte française est toujours vaine, mon fantasme de récolter les histoires des spectateurs s’incarne); où je me préoccupe de l’effet des courants d’air sur les bas de dos des spectateurs assis par terre et où l’on comprend lors de la discussion post-performance que nous voyageons du présent au passé et du passé au présent, mais jamais dans le futur — car dans le futur, vous n’y êtes pas, Vous n’Êtes pas Ici, avec nous.
jour 12
Où l’on parle de ballet-jazz et de Bob Fosse, où l’on surfe sur plusieurs vagues, où Peter avoue avoir volé une histoire qui n’était pas sienne. Et où un sent qu’il ne reste que demain, et qu’un jour, qu’une traversée.
dernier jour
«Are we trapped in the end?», demande Lin. Oui. Forcément, oui.
Extrait des écrits en studio
traversée 6
Vibrations d’intimité
in – out
secrets – mystère
faith – secret
traversée 7
Des chutes, avalanches Des avalanches collectives effondrements nourris furies fureurs nourries nourries de gestes doux de doux, poussées propulsés par des aimants
Le vestige d’une diva de métal diva d’argent
La Castafiore est myope et sa voix de crécelle
Nous refaisons finalement des jeux d’enfants.
Sleepwalking daydreaming dancing
This is my dream life but I soon as I say so it’s not anymore. Discutez.
It’s evaporating into trails, other ideas.
traversée 8
Des gens des amis des signes des marqueurs des politesses des envies
L’ombre de l’ombre l’écho de l’ombre l’écho d’un corps d’une danse d’un jeu de chien jeu de vilain
Écrire à l’aveugle écrire dans l’oeil de la tempête et comment écrire en souhaitant à même temps la bienvenue, comment écrire hôte?
Il va neiger bientôt et nous ne faisons toujours que des p[illisible]
guy cools
Rewriting Distance
Montréal – November 2017
With Catherine Lalonde and Peter Trosztmer
first day
(Miranda’s exercise)
L’espace blue hasn’t anything blue in it.
No day light. Presque sans couleurs.
Des monolithes en noir de différentes dimensions.
A Space Odyssee. Les mines de sel à Salzburg.
Il Creto in Gibellina. The Holocaust Memorial in Berlin.
Our first desires: grimper en haut; se cacher; s’enterrer; to break the rules;
To tie ourselves a safety net; to play the edges; the hear the sounds outside;
To scratch the concrete; to push the red button; to hide; to create an intimate space;
Une espace intime d’où on puisse regarder et écouter les autres sans se perdre dans l’immensité
de la cave; cage; se libérer des nœuds.
first practice
Hands or Pants?
Keep your hands out of my pants.
Is it good to have no shame?
Or does it make you a sociopath who doesn’t know his borders?
Nature or nurture?
How do I acknowledge the animal inside me, channel its energy, without becoming a ‘prédateur’?
Girl or boy?
Girl’s names are somehow easier to choose.
All good boys’ names start with a J. Jongleurs au lieu de chasseurs.
Grand-maman ou grand-papa?
Elle jouait avec moi sous la table. Lui, il créait des paysages pour mon train Lego.
Ils buvaient et riaient tous les deux sans limites.
Ancestors or off-spring?
Being the source or being the outcome.
There is only flow and fascia and jumping cords and umbilical cords and energetic imprints connecting us all.
A laundry line of dirty socks, smelling good!
second practice
Lin is perplexed et confus.
L’âge, c’est de la texture.
Therefore you have to continue to moisturize.
Life is not linear, but circular or oblong.
Except when you unroll it like a scroll.
Then it might turn back on you.
I did feel emotional when I embraced Peter.
To feel his accelerated hearth beat.
I had to think of my mother, who was born with a tiny hearth defect,
Which they only discovered in her old age.
It isn’t life threatening but it means she is very quick out of breath.
To follow our desires or to postpone them
Till when it feels more appropriate
Je vous en prie.
Restez naturel, même avec ta peau,
With your skin, wrinkled and loose.
And then he followed his desire and pierced my hearth!
third practice
Checking Facts.
Trous Noirs et étoiles.
Soft objects and soft architecture.
Weight is a fact.
Hostility and tactics to turn the table.
Est-ce que j’ose poser la question?
Est-ce que ta réponse va me désorienter?
Est-ce que tu me donne la permission de te poser cette question?
Est-ce que je t’attends jusqu’à que tu es près de me répondre?
fourth practice/première traversée
It is always the third day, when things seem to feel heavier that there is a breakthrough:
- The space, accepting us; her fascia enwrapping us.
- We, tuning in to each other and the music of the spheres.
- Discovering how free the conversation can be and still make sense.
It is a training of the senses:
- Spying the empty witness chair through a hole in the hornet nest.
- Listening to the musicality of Lin’s voice. Son ri éclatante. While Catherine creates a buzzing rumble around my head.
- Touching and being touched with the paper skin protecting and connecting – une autre tissue connective.
- Hearing my stomach rumble as well.
La dignité de la pauvreté de l’artiste.
Avec les édifices comme le Wilder et la fortune de Bill Gates en contraste.
J’aime être dans le sous-sol.
As long as I can go out from time to time and have a nice dinner with friends.
deuxième traversée
My dyslectic memory.
Kurat lol poisin. Sjoelbak.
Je masse mon foie and I burp.
Je crache des mots au mi-lieu.
I bleed words. ça coule.
Mon cœur est trop agité.
Until you smear me out.
Chaque traversée, l’espace s’ouvre plus, comme un coquillage dans laquelle je me perle.
Peter: Rhythms of disruption.
troisième traversée
The story I take home.
Quand mon arrière-tante, Tante Mit venait de décéder, elle m’a laissé la bague de son grand-père. Entre son père et moi, il n’y avait que des filles dans notre famille:
Ma mère
Ma grand-mère
Mon arrière-grand-mère, la sœur juvénile de ma tante
Mon arrière-arrière-grand-mère.
La bague portait son nom et les dates de sa naissance qui remontait jusqu’au début du 19ième siècle.
Il était en or avec une grande pierre carrée, en noir.
C’était un de mes objets le plus précieux.
Et je l’ai perdue à côté du lac Prespes au Nord de la Grèce.
Si ça avait passé quelques années plus tôt, j’aurais eu une rage de folle envers moi-même, en détruisant tous autour de moi.
Mais quand c’est passé, j’étais prêt pour accepter la perte d’un objet, parce que même si c’était précieux, les souvenirs qui me restent de mes tantes, le sont plus.
Ils sont écrits dans un livre dans un autre livre dans un autre livre, qui est mon corps.
quatrième traversée
Seven. It is always the tricky one.
Either you come to a center or you are back at the exit of your labyrinth, ready to enter the next one,
More complicated, like a never ending treasure hunt.
Seven times seven until adulthood and then any number of more cycles to solve all the unsolved riddles of your present life.
I went in this afternoon with the strong desire to be quiet and gentle to my body which felt tired, but then who can resist a punk revival or some kinky, silver linings.
So we went on the treasure hunt, found a tree, which turned into an avalanche.
And when it finally was over, I really felt I had to puke.
cinquième traversée
I lied down and tried to sleep on stage, but then I had this nightmare of my parents fighting or maybe it were the pirate and his parrot practicing swearing and insults:
- You, fucking asshole.
- Je fais suçoter tes plumes.
- Je brule ta jambe de bois avec des allumettes, trompées dans le sucre.
- Je te pelle tes cacahuètes avec du dentifrice.
- Je te rase ta barbe avec une petite cuillère.
Ma gorge. Ta gorge.
Mon espace. Ton espace.
Mes mots. Tes mots.
Ma voix. Ta voix.
Comme le poète aveugle et le père de Lin qui manque d’entendre sa propre voix qui lit.
traversée six jusqu’à 10 (les spectacles).
Une avalanche des mots. A word fall of images. Summarized with a couple of words a spectator left on a piece of shredded paper:
Une douce rupture.
Je vais bien.
lin snelling
first day
“Perplexed” … this is the perfect word for now.
It means “completely baffled, very puzzled”
(so many stories)
his story
her story
fascia story
new born story
saint story
skipping story
pant story
hand story
rope story
paper story
writing story
grandmother story
old story
future story
umbilical story
room story
girl story
mad story
sock story
sound story
science story
castle story
inside a story
is unborn / born
dying, living
these energies are rhythmic
inside a mouth
that might,
or might not,
shape them.
Short story
… We are our hands as surely as we are the name we are called …
day two
The way we find and lose a thought
The flow of drama
The beauty of watching someone run
The thrill of being exhausted
The desire to unroll the scroll
How a square canvas frame can be tossed into the air
And become a whirring circle,
Landing hard on its edge and possibly dent the floor …
… a straight-line curves to a circle,
then an ellipse … swerving into the
lineage of running …
all these ages, and all this room,
echos surround us,
sound is colour.
day 3
I swear …
lift … dive
perhaps this is another day, hard to tell
The notebook has stopped listing the days …
Patterns for Dancing
(Dance as if in a roomful of sleepers …)
This view of the end
The cabin
Then Peter climbing
To a place he wanted to be
So satisfying ….
Dancing while
Guy and Catherine are sleeping ….
Feeling the weight of
Sound while moving …
Perplexing question number one,
“if no one is in the witness chair; did anyone see it?”
la traversée … passing through
The cost of food
And the
Appearance of an urban forager
The shells, nests and pathways of paper
The very first view today
Catherine inside a scroll
Standing and unrolling
And moving
It was a page and a movie score
A woman
It was Catherine moving
Back in space
The conversation
How does one person
Hear another sound? …
The one that is ever present
The rattling
The flag rattling
The scrolling animal
This is snail time
The slowness of the dark
And the way the positions
Of this story
Keep shifting
The book is dancing
The dance is sleeping
The scrolling into
Offers incredible views
Of time
(I liked dancing to the rhythm of this voice,
Stopping and starting with its endings and beginnings —
And the middles of sighing)
Threading a needle
Letting the tongue fall like a carpet
The room is colour and sound
The eyes
Blink open
Blink close
Peter’s thought “the rhythm of disruption”
Nashi said “the big universe is in the body”.
more writing from an untitled page
there was a game
I missed the rules
Tried to play it in
A circle,
But the game remains
A secret
The ending is declared …
What was the beginning?
It started before we all
Had gathered,
There was some confusion
That clarified quickly
With the story of a grandmother
And an embrace that
Into Catherine dancing
The drama of
(the place of me)
Is a word
And a place
And a person.
How time flies
When you begin at the end
And end in the middle
Keep the faith.
untitled again
Tea is a beginning, thanks to Peter
Cookies are a middle, thanks to Catherine
This view is so satisfying
Guy takes the desk out
Places the book
Some pencils, crayons
Then his glasses, on the desk
Then walks backwards into the pile of paper
And falls down into it.
Catherine takes the witness chair
And places it close
To Guy in the pile
And then Guy rolls into / closer to her.
She sees from this place his hand
And his wedding ring …
“by somebody do you mean us?”
Then Peter walks directly
To the desk and begins to write …
His is not looking at Guy and Catherine
They are having an intimate conversation
Guy is standing now,
Rolling his foot on a piece of cardboard
Resembling the action of a foot massage
“put your heart in your foot”
Don’t speak the story
That “they” aren’t ready for …
By “they” do you mean us, or me?
The painting is a comedy of a cock and pussy.
With bright colours
Some people like to watch
The witness chair,
another page from somewhere
And I do have a vague memory
Of flying a parchment paper kite
In a turbulent story
My faith in fascia
Gives me courage to believe
Without ever know why.
The edge of placing a chair on top of a desk,
Inverting a hierarchy to become a sculpture
It’s an accident
Of electricity
And the way a man, is that me?
Or a woman,
Is that her?
Dissolves binaries to betweens …
The quiet of a hand
The words of silence
Eyes that shame …
A dance so gentle
What is an undance?
What is guilty dancing?
My arms go up in the air …
Am I innocent?
What is the crime
Of a pirate, …
A book with a story?
2nd ½-hour practice
Finally, a song has come along
I am an anarchist opera siren,
Singing into tin foil
Warning the sailors
And following the lyrics
To a story with
No beginning
Sounds of ravelling and unravelling,
Piling and unpiling
Throwing and whirling
Climbing and handing
With glasses
Captured into a painting
Suspending into
The book with the
Left behind markings
That bring Cy Twombly to mind
All these retro painters
Retro songs
Going back into
This labyrinth
“it’s a walk into a treasure trail”
An image of things going up,
Paper travelling up
Against the black of the wall …
Swearing into a microphone
Of paper,
How many different ways can we
Re-invent amplification?
These are quotes and I do not know who said them …
“the feeling of movement/people changing lights, atmospheres”
“I love the way Peter ties knots into a line of knots”
“the writing table would like to write more”
This quote I know,
“in the broadest sense, the drawings have an imprint character” Joseph Beuys.
This one too,
“la main n’est que le prolongement de la sensibilité et l’intelligence.” Henri Matisse
Drawing is dancing.
from another page with no title
Why was the white crayon there?
The one we were not to write with,
And will it come off the wall?
When are the marks
(when my dad went blind … he missed the sound of his own voice
Walking a scroll
Going for an unrolling
Needing (wait) for the ends (wait)
It’s a “stop” thing …
Is anything a “stop” thing?
Andrew Simms in The Guardian
“in campaigning for change, the art of storytelling has too often been replaced with a reliance on facts.”
peter trosztmer
rewriting distance –
It feels really good to watch someone
run for a long time – It feels really
good to feel you breathe.
It seems that the fountain of youth
is the young… and it costs a lot so it
is only for the rich.
The opening sets the stage
running and holding
light and shadow
Desire – wishes – things to work
on – SET YOUR Desire on the
stage on the wood add your desires.
You cannot have your cake and eat it.
– It is really nice to have friends
are proposed
are accepted
are rejected are…
Moisture and ageing. Apparently
it is not good to put your coffee
grounds down the sink.
Back to running
staying alive –
You need to run to
stay alive – You
need to be able to get
off the floor without
using your hands… You need
to be able to catch a pencil
to get old.
scratch the floor
unless you are adjusting
the lighting.
I enjoy to say unroll the scroll.
I would like to remember to speak more
in other languages.
What is what is What is. What is
a fact a feeling a false
I don’t understand (estonian)
J’ai mis mon corps sur le papier
J’ai mis le papier autours de mon corps.
J’aime ta petite jupette.
Catherine est un journaliste qui est capable d’utiliser les esti mauvais mots.
C’est vraiment bon que Guy m’a mis sur son épaule.
Why did it
wait to happen to arrive
once I put on my shirt.
Drawing is dancing
Drawing is writing
It is always good to change
the lights.
I made Lin swear 9 years ago.
natural desire to find meaning
don’t check your facts?
It still sometimes feels
good to dance.
– I am sad I no longer
need to. hang from the pole
my pen
– I started before we were supposed
– I wanted to be sure to have
my way so I started
I imagined I ran to the table – did not want it.
– Rope is useful in this
room and this room is where
we are. I now hear more
sound. Je pense que les
lumières augmentent le niveau du
Peut-être ça change le fascia
de la chambre, la connectivité
des vagues de son… qui
étaient le fascia.
J’ai touché le visage
de Guy – il a touché mon
Je pense que Catherine a eu le
meilleur plan pour lancer la table
le rythme of disruption
– Who is in the witness chair?
– If there is too much
discord I am frightened
that there will our
power, our ability,
the possibility of focus.
Dramatic – theographic
This is a nice pen.
– Memory –
New York performance artist who goes
too far and just keeps going – she
wears a wig and does a web series
kind of thing character named
Cherry. I find it hard to keep going
– I still don’t know what Lin’s story
was –
– When we use the vertical space I feel like
I am expanding or stretching my radius
my vibration, the connective tissue of
the room – the funk and spook of
our environment.
– Listening to the sound of my writing
the sound of my drawing – trying
to draw something offensive.
I could not hear what Catherine
was saying over the sound of my pencil writing –
I should really try to spend some
time in the witness chair and while I
am at it I could try to arrive a little
The baking paper is precious, It
takes pencil and marker and
pastel but not pen.
My desire to make the lance w
the roll was fulfilled right away
and therefore was no more.
I like it a lot when I am prevented
or called out or… It is just another
form of attention and the lion likes
the sun to shine
Building blocks and cards with
ribbons, small dots moving around
changing things.
Piled up, supporting
tandem, duet, Bicycle built for
two –
Shiny sparkles fish that
bite and flap
cannot see w out my
glasses – shiny skirt and dress
Treasure trail 1 2 1234. clean
and be cleaned.
Guy and Lin are punk
Religious vomit.
Things that fly through the
I remember an attraction to
the lights and the big rolls but
no great desire to take them
Lights Big rolls of Paper
Darkness, Sound, many changes
lost track of sound
Lost track of activity
Lost track over and over
Can not stay on tracke.
Crumple – gentle – sleepy – cold
Chalk, charcoal, dance, body
You are not supposed to draw
on wall, you should not
use the charcoal.
excited and want to
climb the walls.
Catherine and I need to
Hugs, shave lift
ingrown hair.
I think that a pencil is better
for the back side of the page
I think that cursive writing is
much like walking. I don’t do
You are not heard the same
and it is not what you say but
rather just what you are.
It’s day 1 and we need to get
this stuff out. – I think that
it’s good to see what’s there
classical stories always involve
the killing of something you love
and eventual martyrdom.
You can cut an umbilical
cord w your teeth – and
perhaps you should – the
naked body is the right place
for the newborn to lay.
Guy Cools is not ashamed of
It is fun to make a
It is fun to have four things
The big beam at the back
is crooked –
– a crisis can make you
stop choreographing.
– I think it is better to
be late than miss this
part of the process.
– who are we talking to ?
– what are the positions ?
are we performing for anyone?
– throwing, playing games
is pleasurable.
We will get over our addiction.
hands sounds like pants
Nature vs. Nurture
Fascia theory – collective
There remain several sheets
of white paper – sheets of
white sheets of white – we
woke this morning around 9:30
not much happened – made bacon
and eggs – w home fries –
Susie did some writing and
I did the breakfast prep.
It feels really good to write
like this. I have not enjoyed seeing
my thoughts like this on paper.
I am not sure that I have a
closing ceremony myself – I just
carry more and more as I move
forward. It is like collecting
scars from battle – if that can
make sense – there is nothing bad
to it, it is simply a way of
putting one thing on another –
and seeing as they are all people
and memories that I wish to keep.
Even if thay are memories that
mean much to me I think
that they can become lost.
the thought of warming up the
body or warming up the voice
or of warming up the mind.
It feels staged to speak in
Estonian – I must ja valge – I think that I
will think about who I am
and what I am
What is writing and what
does it have to do with me
I want a new head shot –
I would like to have a head
shot – I need a shot in my
head – I felt like I started
yesterday, my foot my foot is
here in this chapter of the
way way way out here
Flintstones, Jeffersons, how my
people are here today with us in
this play that we are
seeking out – hospitality is
the number one reason for
If you take the time for
hospitality you can find your
way back in the reference
points of the finger tips.
– we have yet to change
the set up to reflect
or use this couloir here.
– It is my hope that I
do not start this this this
time. – it is a super exciting
way to go.
-what is love – what is
love for – how do we bring
closure or how do we keep
things alive – I can spend time
together and I can spend time
apart but it is difficult to know
how to deal w all at once.