choreodrome london UK 2011

choreodrome  london UK 2011

rewriting distance workshop

(The Place London, August 1st till 5th, 2011)
“Pure Beauty. Beauty that exits completely on itself, you can see that everyday around you. That is if you want to see that.” (Karl Appel)
“The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe.” (John Berger)
Ways of looking! Ways of articulating what we have seen!
Passion. Fascination.
Writing exercise:
Why are so many clocks round? Obvious question. Time is circular.
Colin’s exercise of imagining the pelvis as a clock. A clock called merit. Is there merit in time passing?
Red and black. Different rhythms.
All these studios have clocks which are very dominant.
Time management. Can creative time every be efficient? How do I lose time?
How am I patient? What happens if the other person doesn’t answer immediately? Do I get anxious? Or do I allow the answer to come in its own time?
Bells: time being marked by sound is so much nicer, less obtrusive. The church bells at seven in Venice waking me up every morning at exactly the same time.
To give ourselves time to listen to our own needs and to what others need as well. Which is also what they offer us.
How we connect easier in rhythm and musicality.
The notion of integrity.
How to communicate.
another day
Reading this morning John Berger’s essay on his cataract operation, my attention was drawn by one particular drawing accompanying it: a pair of eyes looking into a night sky full of other eyes – stars.
Which is an image for the energetic power of witnessing ourselves, others and the world. Witnessing as engaged looking, watching with openness, interest and curiosity, without judgement in order to let yourself be contaminated with imprints form outside which your body will remember in its own time and place; taking them apart and reassembling them, making them your own.
Our journey through life is always a succession of leaving our homes, our comfort zones, even our own bodies temporarily because we want to meet and reach out to others. But eventually we have always to return, to integrate, which is probably the integrity of the movement, the voyage.
How we deeply connect not through the meaning of our words, but through the vibrations of our voices and the exploration of the empty spaces and the silences in between where our rhythms can join in and become polyphonic. 
Guy Cools